Tuesday, March 24, 2015

College Towns, Not Too Cool For School

Photo courtesy of University of Lethbridge
My younger cousin is looking at doing a post-secondary certificate, and it reminded me of this package I contributed to last summer for enRoute magazine about cool college towns. I didn't go away to attend uni, but part of me always wishes that I did. I think it can really play a formative role in "growing up" and becoming an adult. But I guess I turned out okay despite missing out on that experience.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Homes of the West

Photo by Don Molyneaux
I'm just working on another Homes of the West feature for Canadian Cowboy Country magazine, and thought I'd link to the photo galleries of past features. It's a cool bit in CCC mag where we feature a home in the mag that in some way represents a Home of the West. It doesn't have to be western themed or inhabited by cowboys, though they can be, but the defining factor is that the homeowners consider their home a Home of the West whether the connection is through history, decor, location, or lifestyle. The current issue features the home of equine artist Kim Penner while a past story featured the abode of my lovely neighbours and friends Jen and Tom Gordon.

If you have a Home of the West or know of one, drop me a line! I'd love to hear about it and perhaps feature it in the magazine.